Thursday, August 6, 2015

How I Keep Track of My Clothing: An App for the OCD Fashionista

If you know me, it's no secret that I'm obsessed with clothes.  I carefully organize and re-organize my closet regularly.  Everything is hung by type and then by color in a beautiful rainbow.  All of my drawers are full of neatly-folded items.  I wish I could say the rest of my house was this well-kept.  When I lived in Hawaii, I wanted to keep track of how often I was wearing my swimsuits so I felt less guilty about having so many.  I found an app in the app store called Stylitics (now called ClosetSpace.)  I loved what it did, and eventually I added all of my clothes to it.  I find it super helpful when you need to purge your closet too, because you actually know how often you wear each piece.  Here's how ClosetSpace works:

You take a picture of each item of clothing you have and add in whatever information you want
(price, color, pattern, size, etc.)  I know this is tedious, but it's worth it to have all that information at your fingertips. 

Every day you add what you wore to the calendar.

Each time you input an item, it updates the stats so you know how many times it's been worn, how much it cost per wear, what outfits you have worn it in, and more.

You can filter your items by color, brand, pattern, and a whole bunch of other categories.

You can even archive items you don't want to show up on your page but also don't want to have to input again later (such as maternity clothes or seasonal items.)  There are other functionalities (is that a word?) that I haven't even used yet.  You can also access everything on your computer if you'd prefer that over an app.

So now you know the extent of my obsession when it comes to clothes.  Most of you will probably think I'm nuts, and you're probably right.  But if you're just as insane as I am, let's be ClosetSpace buddies.  :)

Oh, and did I mention it's free?


  1. Ok this is so cool! Thank you! I did something like this a year ago but I just took pictures of different combinations of outfits and kept them in albums on my phone. This is way cooler. Thanks for the info! Question though...can you save certain outfits or just clothing items?

    1. Yes you can save outfits! You just create the outfit and then 'Save as Outfit Idea' instead of 'Add to Calendar.' When you look at an item it shows you every outfit you've put it in too.
