Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Dress You'll Only Wear Once...

I seriously feel like I have the most boring life in the world to read about in a blog.  It's not that I don't enjoy my life, I am actually very happy with how things are right now.  It's just that I don't think you want to hear about what movie I watched the other day that I absolutely loved or how my latest wedding went or whatnot.  Pretty much all I do is work on business stuff, clean the house, and chill with Blake at home.  Seriously.  So that's why I don't blog so much.  I don't expect that to change anytime soon.  But, I do have some pictures to blog so that is fun, right?  I had the amazing Dustin Izatt take some wedding-type pictures because I wanted some more (and I especially wanted some with blossoms.) He did a great job and I'm glad I chose him.  He gave us almost 400 pictures (which is insane!!!), and he somehow had them all done in 2 days.  I don't know how this guy does it.  I've narrowed it down to my super-favorites here. 

My mom decided to come along too for a couple pictures.  Just cause we could.

And guess what?  Next week we're getting back into the wedding clothes again to model for Jarvie's intern bootcamp.  Who says you only wear your wedding dress once?  This will be time number 7 for me!

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