Monday, December 1, 2014

19 Weeks: We're Halfway Done!!!

My sad attempt at disguising my now very visible bump.  What? You actually wanted to see it?  Okay fine...
Oh my gersh I'm huge!

Hooray for being halfway done!  With a normal pregnancy you'd be halfway by 20 weeks, but since my doctor said they only let twins go 38 weeks that means we're halfway at 19!  That is so weird because I really just started getting big.  I'm still getting used to the whole looking pregnant thing (though sometimes I feel like I just look fat, which I know is ridiculous, but I can't help it.)  No strangers have commented on it yet though so that's good.  I don't particularly like attention from strangers.  Unfortunately, I'm told twin babies will pretty much turn me into a celebrity in public... yay. 

One weird pregnancy symptom that I keep having is that I choke on nothing! (Or maybe my own spit, I dunno.)  Like I'll just be sitting there minding my own business and suddenly I'm choking and coughing and gasping for breath for several minutes and wondering if this will be my last experience on earth.  It's happened to me quite a few times since I've been pregnant.  Yesterday's episode was particularly embarrassing because it was during church.  Thank goodness the class hadn't quite started yet, but I sure felt ridiculous making terrible sounds with my face red and tears welling up in my eyes.  But in the end I didn't die so everything's good.

The nausea still gets pretty bad, especially in the evenings, but I think it may be starting to lessen just the tiniest bit.  Maybe?? Please?!?  At least I've started to be able to re-incorporate a select few of the foods from my no-fly list (still can't handle salads though, for which I feel super guilty.)  I am also very, very tired lately, and sleep isn't going quite as well as it used to.

The backaches and hip pain have already begun.  I am so looking forward to that increasing over the next 19 weeks.... not.  Luckily I also discovered that the yoga ball my parent's have feels AMAZING to sit on and they are letting me borrow it!  Yay! 

I'm trying to come to grips with the reality that my body is going to grow extremely huge.  It is really scary.  Go look at pictures of women 38 weeks pregnant with twins and then tell me how you'd feel about it.  I always thought I'd be one of those people who didn't get super huge with pregnancy, but that dream has been pretty much nuked.

You might be able to tell that this has been a hard week for me emotionally.  There's a lot to take in and process, and I'm not exactly as stable as non-pregnant me.  I just feel sad and cry sometimes.  Sorry to put a downer in here, but I do want to keep this real.  Emotional roller coasters are part of pregnancy, and life isn't always butterflies and rainbows.  Here's to hoping this week is better.  Maybe the Christmas season will cheer me up.  I do love Christmas time. :)

On a lighter note: The babies are around six inches now from head to hiney, meaning I've got a whole foot of baby in my belly!

Fun fact of the week: The babies are now getting covered with lots and lots of vernix, that icky white goo that is all over them when they're born.  Apparently, it keeps the amniotic fluid from pickling their skin.  I didn't even make that up. 

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