Monday, January 5, 2015

24 Weeks

I intended to wear my black maternity maxi dress, but when I put it on, it was so billowy and huge that it made me feel like a cow.  So, back to my non-maternity black maxi dress we go.  I'm thinking that the maternity one will fit me later when I'm bigger???  I'll pull it out in a month or so to re-assess.  Speaking of maternity, I'm mixing in a few pieces, but most of them are still just too big, which is ridiculous because I'm feeling pretty pregnant right now.

Out of curiosity, I decided to find out how to measure my fundal height so I knew how many weeks I'm measuring.  I don't know how accurate I was, but I did it a few times and got a measurement of about 29-31 weeks.  So what that means is that if I had one baby, I'd be this size at about 29-31 weeks instead of 24.  This is right around where I'm supposed to be with twins (about 6-8 weeks ahead), so I was happy to see that.

24 weeks is a big deal because it's known as the week of viability.  What that means is that at this point, if the babies were born they have about a 50% chance of surviving.  Every week from here on out raises their odds by about 10%.  This isn't something that would really be on my radar if I was having a low-risk pregnancy, but with twins it's definitely something to celebrate.  I want to keep these boys cooking as long as possible!

The bad stuff: The pelvic pain is really no fun at all.  Walking is difficult, flipping over in bed is terrible, stairs are hard (we've got lots of those in our house.)  I'm still exercising but some poses/moves I have to skip over entirely because it hurts too bad.  I'm kind of bummed I'm not seeing my doctor again until my 28 week appointment to make sure there's nothing else I can do.  I called in to the nurses and they just told me it's a normal thing and not to worry about it.  I'm struggling to find the balance between being active enough and not hurting myself.  Just going out for a couple hours worth of errands has become enough to leave me in tears at the end of the day from frustration and pain.  I am grateful that this isn't a problem that affects the babies at all though, and let's be honest, there's lots of things that leave me in tears these days.

I'm starting to try to visualize what life will be like with two newborns.  I feel so unprepared and honestly like it might just kill me.  I know it's ridiculous, but facing being a first-time mother of two little ones makes a person feel very inadequate.  I'm trying to think about baby cuddles and the cute little sounds they make instead, and remind myself that ALL I have to do is focus on getting their most basic needs taken care of and NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.  My house will be a disaster and we definitely won't cook anything and I'll never leave the house and I will look and feel terrible, but it DOESN'T MATTER.  Just think about laying around the house, snuggling two little babies.  That sounds nice.

Tomorrow is our big fancy anatomy scan.  They booked me for two slots because there's two babies, so I will be there a long time.  The babies move around so much and kick so hard (hard enough to move my arm or a book if it's resting on my belly), it will be fun to see what they're doing in there and finally know who is where.  I'm grateful the gestational diabetes test isn't until 28 weeks because I am nervous about that.  Can you tell I'm an anxious person? haha

My awesome cousins came over on New Year's Eve to spend the night and celebrate.  I spend lots of time alone and it gets lonely, so having company over was fantastic!  They were happy to just chill around the house since I'm not up for doing much, and they even made dinner and cleaned up all the dishes, all while making sure I was comfortable.  They are so sweet and it meant so much to me.

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