Monday, June 29, 2015

Birth is Beautiful

This is the story of how I became a mother.  At only 30 weeks gestation, my babies were born by emergency c-section due to severe pre-eclampsia, transverse lay, and (after things were already started) placental abruption.  This was not the way I wanted their birth to go.  I was dead-set on having a normal birth and healthy babies.  I had done everything I could to try to make that happen.  The shock of going from being pregnant and thinking I'd be able to make it at least a couple more weeks to all of a sudden being in recovery without my precious babies was bewildering.  The next day as my babies were fighting for their lives in the NICU, I was fighting for mine during a hypertensive emergency that left me with fear that I would never have a chance to hold the babies that I already loved so much.  Even after the crisis was over, I was so ill that I couldn't make it to the NICU for two more days to finally be with my sweet babies.  I had to use every ounce of emotional and physical strength that I possessed to make it through those first few days.  I was left feeling ashamed and disappointed, because it wasn't the perfect birth.  Everything had gone wrong.  Their birth wasn't beautiful.

I have had a hard time dealing with those feelings the past few months.  Even though I knew it was what needed to happen for my babies to make it here safely, and that prayers were answered in our little room in triage when we decided what to do, I still felt guilt.  Guilt that I somehow wasn't enough of a woman to give birth to them the way women are 'supposed to.'  That my body couldn't handle carrying two babies to term.  That I couldn't hold them in their first moments on earth so that they'd know everything was okay and they weren't alone.  That I missed out on being a part of their first days of life.   And just plain disappointment that it all had to happen that way.

A couple days ago I was having a particularly rough time with it.  I decided that it was time to finally watch the video that Blake took of the birth of our children.  And as I watched those two tiny babies coming into the world for the first time, I saw the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me.  Their little cries were the most incredible sound my ears had ever heard.  I gave them the best possible start in life I could.  I nurtured and grew two babies with my body for seven months, pushing my body to it's limits.  I gave birth to them through my body, and have a scar to prove it.  And you know what, no matter what anyone else may say and no matter how it happens, every birth is beautiful.  Jensen & Everett's birth wasn't a horror story, it was a story of a mother who had limitless love and would do anything for her children, and two babies who fought for their lives and won.  And it was beautiful. 

Jensen's first moments

Everett's first moments

Thursday, June 25, 2015

TBT: My Maternity Pictures

Remember that one time I was pregnant?  I had grand plans to have a beautiful maternity session in my 3rd trimester, but unfortunately I was put on bedrest long before that was a possibility.  Luckily, as I was getting ready for the fancy (silly) tea party my mom's family has every year, I decided to have Blake snap a few pictures for me.  I was only 22 weeks at the time, but little did I know just 3 weeks later I'd be on bed rest and in 8 weeks I'd have babies. So, here are a few of my favorites.  I really miss that belly sometimes.

Coming soon: Newborn pictures and family pictures!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Babies are Four Months Old!

It's hard to believe my babies are four months old already.  Especially because they are both over 9 pounds and around 21 inches, so about the size of a chunky newborn.  But they have changed so much in the last 4 months.  Four months ago, the babies were:
  • On breathing support.  Jensen was on a ventilator and Everett was on oxygen.
  • Only 1/3 of their weight now.
  • Sleeping about 95% of the time.
  • Unable to digest food so they were being fed by IV.
  • Hardly ever making any cries.
  • Barely moving because they were too weak.
  • Living in isolettes because they couldn't regulate their body temperature.
  • Needing to be left alone most of the time because touching and moving them was too much stimulation for their underdeveloped brains.
  • Too small for preemie clothes.
  • Spending lots of time under bilirubin lights because of their underdeveloped livers.
  • Covered with tubes and wires attached all over their bodies.
  • Fighting hard to survive.
It's incredible to think back and remember how much progress they have made in only four months.  While they still have their own challenges because of prematurity, in many ways they are completely normal now.  Here's a snapshot of their progress at 4 months:
  •  Breathing completely unassisted.
  • Gaining weight well thanks to working closely with the NICU dietician.
  • Starting to spend more time awake when they are quiet and content instead of just when they are hungry or upset.
  • Eating very well with both nursing and bottles.
  • Making their problems known loud and clear with healthy cries.
  • Becoming very active.  They are getting pretty good at holding their heads up and are trying to push themselves up with their arms. 
  • Have plenty of fat on their bodies to keep their temperatures regulated pretty well.
  • Finally moved into 0-3 Month size clothes.
  • Loving to be held and played with.  Everett smiles at people all the time and loves to be talked to.  We think we've seen Jensen smile briefly a few times, and think he'll be just as social as Everett soon.
It's really an incredible thing to see.  I am so proud of my little fighters.  They are about 7 weeks past their due date now, so they seem to be developing right on track for their adjusted age.   I can't really be sure, but it even seemed like they hit the '6 week growth spurt' which seriously kicked my butt haha.

People are curious about what it's like to have twins.  Each feeding/diapering cycle takes about 45 minutes to an hour.  I usually don't tandem nurse them unless I'm home alone and desperate as they still require some maintenance and so tandem feeding becomes too overwhelming.  They eat 8 or more times a day.  They usually sleep for 4-6 hours for the first stretch at night and then 2-3 for the next stretch.  During the day they eat every 2-3 hours.  So I usually spend at around 8 hours a day feeding them.  I'm a feeding machine.  (As a side note, our freezer is COMPLETELY full of milk and I'm not sure what to do with it all.  Blake would sure like to be able to buy ice cream.  I'm adding 5-15 more ounces to the freezer every day, yet I still somehow manage to worry about my supply all the time because I'm nutso apparently.)  Of course, every day is different and I can never really count on anything.  Last week they slept for about 6.5 hours during the night one time, and then the next night they slept for about 3 hours and then were only doing one hour stretches for the rest of the night!  The hardest thing about having twins is that often you have to let one cry while you're taking care of the other one.  And when they are both really upset I try to calm them both down at the same time and end up doing a terrible job at it because I'm too stressed out and only have two hands.  I must admit that I often think about how easy it must be to only have one baby.  When you people with babies are up in the middle of the night feeding them, just think of me and how I have to do everything twice.  Maybe that will make you feel better.  (I'm sure I'll actually think it's hard too if we ever have just one baby haha.)

We've decided they're definitely not identical.  Jensen looks so much like Blake, and Everett looks just like my siblings did when they were babies.  I think he looks a lot like my dad too.  Plus their hair is different shades of red, their ears are different, and Jensen has longer feet than Everett. 

I love watching them grow and learn and develop.  I can't wait until they start noticing each other!  I think it's going to be so cool to see.  They're so lucky that they were born with an instant best friend.  I love that they watch me as I walk by and look into my eyes when I'm feeding them or playing with them.  They've been no more responsive than your average newborn for so long, it's incredible to see them become more like real people.  Everett has really taken to my dad.  He'll smile at most people, but when my dad talks to him he just stares and smiles for the longest time.  It is so adorable.  They love watching ceiling fans and looking at bright patterned shirts that people are wearing.  Everett makes so many adorable coo sounds, and Jensen is starting to make them occasionally too.

I'm kind of obsessed with them.  If you couldn't tell...
Everett chewing on his hand

Jensen brought me a rose from the garden

Everett with his ducky hat

Everett isn't very happy about being in the bath

Everett spending some time outside with mommy

Brothers chillin'

Jensen's ducky hat

I think this picture Blake took of Everett is hilarious/adorable

Jensen hanging out with mom outside

Dog pile on aunt Peeps

Snuggles with daddy

Balding old man :( It is finally starting to grow back though


Jensen being cute

Everett in his cute hedgehog diaper.  Notice his perfect Cabbage Patch belly button :)

Everett love grandpa!


Jensen getting tired of tummy time