Tuesday, February 10, 2015

29 Weeks

I'm still pregnant!!!  I've survived three and a half weeks of bed rest and hospital stays!

At my appointment on Friday, some new problems cropped up and I was sent over to the hospital again.  Are you guys as sick of reading about my hospital stays as I am of writing about them?  I was super bummed because Saturday was supposed to be my baby shower and was also my birthday.  I ended up in the hospital until Sunday afternoon.  I had my blood drawn five times this week.  Five!  When I first got to the hospital, I was pretty upset already and then being faced with having my blood drawn made me so light headed that my blood wouldn't come out!  They had to let me calm down and drink juice for a bit and then try again.  For my birthday on Saturday, my family and two of my cousins came to the hospital to party with me.  My mom bought the biggest pizza I have ever seen!  I think I heard it was 36".  When someone spilled the beans on it being my birthday, my sweet nurse and nurse's aide bought me a birthday cake.  Blake spoiled me and bought me a whole cake from Cheesecake Factory, but it was at the house, so we ate the nurse's cake that day.  I can't say it was my favorite birthday ever, especially since I was awoken at 6:30 am to get my blood drawn, but I'm grateful to everyone who tried to make it a good one.

I had a non-stress test today and everything is looking stable.  I am told that we are walking a tightrope right now.  If things stay as they are, we could be good for a while.  If it gets any worse, we will probably be having the babies right away in possibly an emergency type situation.  So, let's hope for things to stay good for quite a while.  The hardest thing to do is to keep myself from feeling despair and telling myself that it will all be fine in the end. I am grateful for every extra day we get to keep the babies in there.

I want to mention that I really hope my updates aren't scaring any of you who haven't had babies yet.  Everything that is happening to me is rare, especially if you're only having one baby, and having twins is rare too.  You guys are going to have much better pregnancies, I can almost guarantee it.  :)

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