Tuesday, August 21, 2012

How Hawaii is Different from Utah

I assume that every state is quite a bit different from the others.  There are some things I have noticed about Hawaii that are so different from Utah. 
  • There is no fast lane or slow lane in Hawaii.  Whereas in Utah people get angry at you if you go the speed limit in any lane but the outside one.
  • Instead of finding spiders in my house, I find baby geckos (and sometimes cockroaches.)
  • Birds here are stupid.  They don't get out of the way of cars until the absolute last second, and sometimes they don't at all.
  • The bees here are different.  There are giant black ones, little ones that walk on the ground instead of fly, and weird wasp things that look like their behind is stuck on with a stick.
  • It is acceptable to call both women and men 'bra' (meaning bro.)
  • No one here knows what cardstock is.
  • Flip flops are called slippers, or actually 'slippaz.'
  • When a store posts it's closing time as 5:00, they actually mean 4:45.
  • Sometimes, the stop signs are blue.
  • There are lizards everywhere!
  • I used to think the weather in Utah was crazy.  Here it goes from overcast to sunny to pouring rain back to sunny within 10 minutes.
  • "Howzit"
  •  Parking spaces are made for smart cars, and there aren't enough spaces.
  • The stores run out of things all the time.
  • Gas and milk are the same price per gallon.
  • Flip flops are acceptable wear at pretty much any event.
  • Everyone's crazy for spam here.
There's so many more things I could think of, but that's probably enough for now.