Yesterday we got to celebrate our first Christmas together as a married couple. It was so wonderful being able to share that together. Here's how the day went: We got up after nine and exchanged gifts. Blake got me a Nikon SB600 flash, a Nissor something flash, a lambency flash diffuser (:D), a "puffer" diffuser (basically I just wanted it because it's called The Puffer), and some Cheez-Its! I gave Blake a few new shirts (he only has like 5 I swear), some of his favorite movies (Oscar and Back to the Future), and our wedding album that I designed on photoshop! Pistachio gave us some movies too, namely Les Miserables (the one with Anthony Perkins!), Big Fish, and the first four old Batman movies. His mom gave us some newlywed books, socks for Blake, paper plates, Muenster cheese (!), cashews, craisins, aprons, and a new shirt for me. Katie gave me some cute pale turquoise earbuds. My family gave us spaghetti-os, new shirts for both of us, a new super cute jacket for me, a thingy to hang my necklaces on, a Shins cd, noodle soup mix, a big pack of my favorite soap (Lever 2000 original. Best. Soap. Ever. Smells soooo yummy), and one of those fire-proof water-proof everything-proof boxes for us to put like our birth certificates and wedding license and stuff in. Among other gifts we got, of course.
Basically, I got everything I could have ever wanted ever for Christmas. I was so thrilled. :)
And most of all, I got to spend the whole day with my best friend in the whole world. Love you Blakey <3 I hope all of your Christmases were wonderful as well.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
A real tree!!!
For the first time in my life I have a real Christmas tree! (My dad's allergic to them) I was so excited to have our own little tree to decorate however we want. I chose turquoise and silver to decorate with, and I love it. I think it's so pretty. And of course I had a turquoise and silver fish to go on top of the tree. The tree fell over the night that we set it up, and it crushed one of my turquoise ornaments, broke one of the snowflakes, and pulled the string out of the fish. I was so sad. So that's why the fish is kinda just sitting there. And, the tree looks alot prettier in real life.
Also, I am very sick right now. Not fun. I was sick like 3 weeks ago. Stupid sickness.
And.... we are officially moved in as of saturday night! Oh my goodness that was alot of work. Not only did we move all of our earthly possessions in 2 days, we also deep-cleaned our old apartment. Our new place isn't completely finished, but it's liveable. There's floors. And some of the doors have handles. Haha. It's a work in progress. We just need to get everything finished up and find some furniture in which to store our stuff so it won't be all over our bedroom floor, oh and set our bed up so it's not just a mattress on the floor, and..............
You get the idea. It's really fun having our own little place though (actually pretty nice-sized place) and saving alot on rent!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Moving Out!
Today we're starting the huge task of moving out. I'll be happy when it's done. Our apartment is finished enough to be lived in, so we'll be there within a few days! What I'm most excited for is being able to finally put up our christmas tree. I got some really pretty ornaments and I'm so happy to get to use them!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
This is why I love being married
Last night I had the most horrible dream I've ever had, and when it finished I was wide awake before 4 AM. I saw Blake move and whispered "beba" and he asked what I needed, and I asked him to hold me, and he did. He stayed up and talked with me and held me until it was day and we had to get up and go. If that isn't true love, I don't know what is. Love you beba. <3
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