Friday, July 16, 2010


A dream came true for me on July 13, 2010.  My favorite Beatle came to town, and I got to see him!  Sure he's old now, but he can still rock as hard as anyone!  And his voice is still perfect in every way :)  He can even still 'ooooh' like Little Richard.  Oh yeah.  When I was younger and single I said that I'd get a time machine and go marry Paul when he was in his 20s.  Haha.  Before the concert me and dad went to Costa Vida.  I could have that every day and not get sick of it.  If only I could figure out how to make their enchilada sauce!  I tried once, it didn't work.  Anyways...  Rio Tinto Stadium was not the ideal concert venue... I mean, it's an outdoor stadium.  Remember how echoey the announcer is at football games?  Yeah, that's pretty much the sound there.  But it wasn't as bad as it could have been.  I could at least still hear everything.  Paul put on such a great show.  He is a riot to watch.  His cute little silly mannerisms and amazing British accent are so awesome.  I could watch him all day.  Wow he was so great.  He even played one of my favorite ever Beatles songs, Blackbird, which he said that he had wrote when he heard about the race riots in Little Rock, Arkansas, hoping that it would give hope to at least one person who was suffering there.  I didn't know that before, and it made one of my favorite songs even better.  Although there was alcohol served there luckily the people sitting next to us weren't drunk idiots.  Unfortunately they were both rather large women though.  There was a lady in front of us and to the side that we were pretty sure was on like 4 drugs.  The whole time she was standing up and dancing really weird, contorting her body in strange ways.  We thought she was going to break herself.  That was interesting.  Luckily she was not right in front of us.  The stadium did not allow 'cameras with removable lenses (professional cameras)' inside, which was very sad.  I could have gotten some at least halfway decent photos.  But instead all I have to offer you are pictures from the worst cell phone camera in the world.  Enjoy.
 A very fun part of the concert was during "Live and Let Die."  At the part that goes 'de de de     de de de    de de     de de de    de de de  de de'  (you know which one I'm talking about ;) ) they sent up fireworks!  Yeah it was pretty cool.  He also did a tribute to Jimi Hendrix at the end of one of his songs.  He started playing 'do do DO do-do do DO do-do do DO do do-do-do-do-' haha.  I act like you people can figure out what I'm singing with just typed words.  Anyways, if you've seen Wayne's World you should know which song it is when I raise my hands above my head and make little ears... He told a funny story of one time when Jimi was whammy-ing the heck out of his guitar (using the whammy bar to loosen & tighten the strings, which puts guitars very out of tune) and then he called out to see if Eric Clapton was in the audience, which he was, but he tried to hide.  Jimi then said 'Eric, would you come tune my guitar please?!'  Haha it was pretty funny.  Hard to tell a funny story in type though.  The concert was set to start at 7:30, but it didn't start until 8:15.  But it did go until after 11.  The band left, they came back for an encore, left again, then came back for a second encore, this time carrying the Utah flag and the British flag.  Paul was so full of energy and really put on a super great show.  He's definitely the concert I've most looked forward to going to.  I've seen a few other bands like Styx, Foreigner, Kansas, B.B. King, Michel Camilo, and some more that I can't think of right now, but Paul was definitely my favorite.  (I mean, Paul McCartney vs. Foreigner?  No contest!)  Thanks dad for going with me and having a jolly good time!  This will be a concert to remember for a lifetime.  And it was Paul's first, and most likely last, time performing in Utah.  Wow it was great.

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