Monday, January 26, 2015

27 Weeks: Hello 3rd Trimester!

I am so happy to be writing another weekly post!  At my appointment a few days ago my doctor said that things appear to be about where they were last week, maybe even a tiny bit better, which is good news.  We just didn't want to see it get any worse.  (Side note, baby B has flipped over and is now head down too.  We'll see how long that lasts.)  He's having me keep up with the bed rest at least until I see the perinatologist this week and see what they say.  My doctor says I've got him worried but he's staying very optimistic and still has hope that we won't see any more changes for a long time.

I want to give a huge thank you to the people who have gone out of their way to bring us dinner or call me so I had someone to talk to or show their support in any way.  I have felt so loved, and am blown away by people's generosity.  Thank you thank you thank you!

So, I've survived my first week and a half on bedrest now.  I don't know how much longer they'll keep me on it, but I just try not to think about it.  I'm scared they'll keep me on it for the next two months but also scared they'll take me off too early and I'll end up having these babies too soon.  The unknowns of the future are ominous and it's best to focus on taking care of myself and the babies right now.  I feel like I am doing a really good job of keeping myself positive, all things considered.  I do my best to visualize staying pregnant until I'm full term and taking the babies home from the hospital with us!  I'm trying to not let myself get bored and to find something productive to do every day so it doesn't feel like I'm wasting all of my time.  I put on real clothes every day because it makes me feel less like I'm sick or something.  I only get up to shower or use the restroom, and keep most of my body horizontal on my side the rest of the time.  My body is sore and I feel like a total lazy bum, but it could definitely be worse!  Poor Blake has to get me all my food and water and try to keep the housework somewhat done.  And he hasn't even complained.  I'm a lucky girl.

I'm so glad these boys are so active.  I love feeling them move and knowing they're okay.  Even when they're doing weird things to my rib cage or my internal organs.  The coolest thing is when I can actually feel their body parts sticking out of my stomach!  The other day there was something like an elbow or knee sticking out, and then this morning I felt something huge.  It must have been a baby butt (or maybe a head if one of them flipped over again) because it was so big.  Blake got to feel it too. :)

It's so exciting to be in the third trimester now!  Every day makes a difference, and every week is a big milestone.  Come on babies, we can do this!  Full term!

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