Sunday, May 17, 2015

Jensen & Everett's Three Month Update

Jensen is so done with this

Despite Everett's best efforts, Jensen refused to wake up

"Fine I give up!"

My adorable babies are three months old, and about the size of your average newborn.  They are developmentally like a two or three week old baby, so they really don't do much yet besides eat and sleep (and cry.)  They've been home for over a month now, and while it's been hard, it's also been really awesome.  I almost feel like I cheated, because I get tiny adorable babies for a couple months longer than I was supposed to.  I guess I did pay for it though with the NICU time and my own health problems.

We're still sequestered in our home for the most part, except for the various doctor/specialist appointments for the babies.  We did take them up to Logan for my brother's wedding, where they made a brief celebrity appearance at the temple after the ceremony for pictures.  I can't even handle how cute they were in their little suits and bowties.  I somehow managed to pull off photographing the wedding and keeping the babies fed while Blake did the rest.  I'm kind of glad it's over, I'm not really ready to be off maternity leave yet.

Chilling at Aaron & Aubrey's apartment during the reception

I didn't want to take their cute outfits off after we got home

As you might have noticed from these pictures, Jensen is off oxygen!  We need to pass it off with their pediatrician at their appointment this week, so it's not quite official yet.  But he passed his 5-day oxygen challenge with flying colors.  We hope he continues to improve!  Another big milestone that we've reached is that they don't need bottles anymore!  That is a huge accomplishment for me, because sometimes preemies have a very difficult time nursing, as well as just twins in general being more difficult.  It was a long, frustrating road, and there were so many times I though we would never be able to do it, but we've gone about two weeks without a bottle and I am loving it!  Between this, and also how I made it through their difficult pregnancy and insane delivery/recovery, I am so amazed by what my body can do.  It makes me feel like superwoman!

Being a mom is a big challenge, but it has brought me so much joy.  I love how happy these little guys make me.  I could just stare at their cute faces all day.  They are innocent and perfect in every way, and I am so grateful to God for giving them to me.  It's humbling to know that He trusts me to raise these beautiful boys.  Motherhood (and the pregnancy & delivery) is really teaching me that I need to let go of what I want and do what's best for them.  I'm sure there will be lots more lessons that these guys will teach me in the coming years.  I love them so much.

And now, some cute pictures from this last month.
Snuggles with Jensen

Snuggles with Everett

Everett's getting pretty good at holding his head up

This is 'poopy face.'  It's my favorite face they make, even if it usually means poop is coming haha.  I want to kiss those lips.

Everett has chubby cheeks :)




Jensen doing poopy face



Jensen saying 'whoa!'



Everett pretending to be an old man.  They've even got the hair for it.

Nothing cuter than a baby in a bath robe!

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