Monday, January 18, 2016

Jensen & Everett's 11 Month Update

The 'good' picture
It's getting harder to keep them still for pictures...

Here we are at 11 months and we're all still alive!  The babies are now 8.5 months adjusted.  They are learning all kinds of new stuff.  They are becoming quite good at moving around with a combination of rolling, army crawling, and wiggling around the floor.  Everett has learned how to sit himself back up from the floor.  They're not real crawling yet but I'm sure that will come very soon.  They can get pretty much anywhere they want to go anyways.  A downside to all that moving is that Jensen has scraped his head twice.  Poor little guy.

The babies had their first Christmas this past month!  They got to meet lots of extended family that they hadn't met yet at Christmas parties.  Obviously they're too young to understand the concept of Christmas and present-opening, but we all had fun anyways.  They mostly got clothes, and just a few toys and books.  Plus they (I) got a new stroller that they love because they can face forward and look at everything while we stroll.

They are becoming quite skilled with their hands.  They are learning how to feed themselves which is awesome.  I can throw a bunch of peas on their highchair trays and they will be entertained for a long time if I keep the peas coming.  It's awesome.  Everett has figured out that if you want to put something in your mouth, you have to take your binky out first.  His new favorite game is 'put your hands in mommy's mouth and try to rip her gums with your tiny razor nails.'  Jensen has learned how to wave, although he's only done it like four times so far.  It's so freaking adorable.

We have been making progress with sleep, although this past week when they seem to have hit the 8/9 month sleep regression.  We also happen to have just finished (I think) the 3-2 nap transition so that makes it even more complicated.  It hit Everett the hardest.  Sleep regressions suck and I hope that the fact that they actually had a good night last night means that it's over.  In fact, it was their best night ever.  They didn't wake to eat until 4:30.  That means I got about 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep, which is the longest I've slept in at least 11 months, probably longer.  More good news is that their naps are getting longer.  Jensen used to take 20 minute naps, and now they both take a 1-2 hr nap in the morning and a 1-1.5 hr nap in the afternoon.  It's glorious.  And they even do it at the same time!

Jensen has his first tooth!  I didn't even notice that he was teething until I saw the tooth.  Then I was like, so that's why he's been biting me while nursing the past couple days.  Having a tooth makes him seem so grown up.  He has also finally learned how to click his tongue and does it all the time.  He's been wanting to do that for months, it's so cute that he figured it out.

I love their little personalities.  Jensen is still super giggly and thinks everything's funny.  Everett is kind of a goofball and does silly stuff all the time.  They make a good pair.  They love to steal whatever the other baby has, and Jensen will laugh at Everett sometimes, but other than that they don't interact too much.

They just get cuter and cuter every day.  Here's some examples of their cuteness:
Cute boys in dad's hats

Jensen thought the manger at the Christmas Eve party was pretty comfy

Fun times

Everett was having fun too

Christmas morning!

New books

This is mostly what they did on Christmas- roll around in their new stuff

Meeting auntie Colette and uncle Rick (not pictured)


Ev loves bunny

Jensen is a rich man.  Dolla dolla bills y'all

Stripey boys

Cheesecake Factory for auntie April's birthday!

They were both glaring at me

Jensen got a boo boo :(

This is what happens when you leave a bag of chips by the couch and have a newly mobile baby.  I love his 'oh no you caught me' face.

He's not such a fan of spinach

Jensen is sad that I made him eat that too

He's a thumb sucker!

Jensen was slightly confused

That boy's tongue...

Ev actually has enough hair now to do the obligatory baby hairdo

'I've got a tooth mom!'

I am a very smart baby
Now I'm off to work on planning their birthday party.  It can't be that time already can it? :'(

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