Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Jensen & Everett: 18 Months!

Hey guys!  Long time no blog!  I've been putting more effort into my photography business lately and between that and some life changes I have let blogging fall by the wayside, and honestly, it's probably going to be a much more rare occurrence for me now.  But, I am checking back in because my awesome little boys are 18 months old today!  Woohoo!

Lots has happened since my last update on their one-year due date.  Blake got a new job and we moved out into the middle of nowhere.  The new apartment meets our needs so much better than our old one did.  It has no stairs (yay!), no carpet in the kitchen or bathroom (so much easier to clean under their highchairs), a brand new washer and dryer, and the perfect amount of storage space.  Plus an awesome closet in our room and a pantry in the kitchen!  We love it.  However, Everett had a hard time with moving to a new place.  He spent the whole night screaming instead of sleeping because he didn't like being somewhere unfamiliar.  After a few days he got used to it and loves his home now.

About two months ago, Jensen and Everett learned to walk!  They were about 13.5 months adjusted at the time, and their pediatrician said boys walk at 13 months on average, so they were right there with what's expected of them.  I'm so happy with how great they are doing with their milestones.  Now they are pretty much able to run, so that has made things interesting.  Luckily they're not faster than me... yet.

They have learned a few words, mostly ball, bear, bug... they like b words I guess.  They call any furry animal a bear, including dogs and a stuffed llama they have.  I could swear Everett is saying 'Thank you' sometimes too.  Jensen said 'yeah' once when I asked him if he wanted to get out of his high chair.  I think I've also heard them both say 'here you go' a couple of times.  I could totally be making this up in my head, but it seems like that's what they're saying.  They also make a vroom vroom sound when they're playing with anything with wheels.  It's super adorable.  They love playing with balls and cars the most.  Typical little boys.

They are still pretty shy around new people.  Jensen opens up faster though and starts giving his sweet smiles pretty quick.  Everett would rather stick with momma most of the time.  If they are tired or hungry though, they always just want me or daddy.  They get so excited when dad comes home from work.  I love seeing their big excited smiles when he walks through the door.  We have started some little trial runs of taking them to nursery at church on Sundays.  So far, they mostly want to stick around me and don't understand the little activities they are doing.  They don't get that they are supposed to do the hand actions for the songs, and they eat the crayons instead of draw with them.  I think they're a little young for these things still.  But they do rock snack time though.  They get all kinds of treats that I would never give them at home haha.

I love the stage they are in now.  They are more independent but not too much, they can get themselves places (although I can't let them walk around in a parking lot or near roads yet,) and they are getting really good at playing and entertaining themselves.  They have started throwing fits if they don't get their way, but not full on tantrums yet.  I am enjoying this fun little phase while it lasts.  I marvel at how cute they are multiple times a day.  This mom thing is super tough but also super awesome, and I'm so glad I get to spend my days with these precious little guys.

PS I totally forgot to mention that they weaned themselves about a month or two ago.  They slowly went down on the frequency of nursing until one night they woke up and refused to nurse and that was that.  It was so easy, I'd definitely recommend letting babies self-wean (if they will of course.)  The only bad thing is it left me with insomnia for a few weeks after that because of the shift in hormones.  It's gone now though and we are enjoying this new stage of life.

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