Friday, October 23, 2009

In Memorandum

In the midst of bliss, a tragedy.
While we were gone getting married and on our honeymoon, two of my three dear green spotted pufferfish passed away.  Only Stachi (Pistachio) is still left alive.  Garth and Kiwi didn't make it though. :(  I'm not sure what happened.  Before you guys blow me off and say, 'oh, they're just fish,' let me tell you why they mean so much to me.  I got them when I was going through a particularly hard time in my life.  They were my best friends when I felt like I had none.  They each had a unique personality.  I could truely tell that they loved me.  They could tell me apart from other people.  And they loved playing games with me, and especially loved when I fed them yummy foods.  Oh how I loved them.  I still love them, even though they're gone.  It was such a shock to come home from a fabulous honeymoon only to be told that two of my favorite little buddies had passed away.  I cried for so long, and still have to hold back the tears sometimes.  I'd had those guys for about a year and a half already, and was hoping to have them for 5-10 more years.  Stachi is so lonely in that huge tank all alone.  I really hope he makes it, he wasn't doing too well either.  If you will, keep him in your prayers.  He's so important to me, and such a great little pet.  I feel as strongly about him as some people do about their dogs or cats. 
Rest in Peace my dear Garth and Kiwi.  Momma loves you forever, and will never forget how you changed my life.  I wish you didn't have to leave, but I know I'll see you again some day. 


Garth below and Pistachio above

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