Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

All of you who know Peeps know how much she loves chickens.  A while ago when we tended her we decided to take her to see some chicks.  The guy who owned Stokers Nursery was really cool and let us just take the chicks out and play with them for a while.  He even trusted us to bring them back and so he just went home after he showed us where they were.  Ohhh my goodness these guys were sooo cute!  They were only 1 day old, and they were sooooo fuzzy!  I don't think there is anything softer than a baby chick.  Needless to say Peeps was thrilled (and we enjoyed it too ;) ).  We were all sad we had to leave them, but I'm afraid we're not equipped to care for a chicken, and they don't look this cute at even a week old.  When we got home Peeps said that it was a dream come true or something along those lines, and then said "Are we gonna do anything fun today?"  "What do you mean, fun?  We just went and played with baby chicks!"  "I know, but now what are we gonna do for fun?"  Apparently it wasn't enough excitement for her.  Haha.  If you care to look, there is a video on my facebook of the chicks peeping and cheeping.  They make really cute noises, and I swear they never stop.  That was such a fun day.  :)
You probably all just died of cuteness right now.  I apologize.
I hope you all have a happy Easter, and I also hope that you all enjoyed conference as much as I did!  Having it on Easter was a special blessing :)


  1. Such cute pictures of the chicks! Sounds like a fun day with April- you are such a good sister! I enjoy looking at your blogs- you are quite talented! Yes, conference was wonderful wasn't it?!

  2. I kind of want a chick now! So cute!
