Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For

It's official!  The Campbells are abandoning the islands and moving back to good old Utah!  I know it's hard for most of you to believe, but we are so excited to be going back.  We've been away from family and friends for long enough, and we are ready to start living a permanent life (as opposed to living out of a few suitcases.)  Blake is working hard training his replacements, and I'm working hard starting to pack and clean and sell stuff.  We've also started working on our bucket list of things we want to do here before we leave.  We've already done my number one, which was going to Kualoa Ranch.  It was amazing.  I'll be putting up a detailed post about it on my Hawaii blog soon.  I suppose you all want to know when we'll be moving. Well, I don't have much of an answer for you, just that it will be soon.  Probably by early January.  Our boss wanted us to give him six to eight weeks when we started working on our move date (which was two and a half weeks ago.)  We are so excited to see all those people that we've been missing so much for so long.  Here's to the future!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness that's so crazy and exciting! Congrats on moving back home! :)
