Sunday, March 31, 2013

March 2013 Ipsy Bag

The theme for March's Glam Bag was 'The Great Escape.'  Although this wasn't the most exciting bag I've had, the products fit well with the theme and I know I'll get good use out of these products.

First is the bag that everything came in.  I love how Ipsy sends our products in a different makeup bag every month.  I'm not super keen on anchors, but it is fun for the theme and I think it will make a great bag to bring to the beach!
I received two samples of Yaby eyeshadow in the colors So Vein and Sand Dune.  So Vein is a teal green and Sand Dune is... well, sand colored.  I might also call it camel.  These have very good pigmentation.  I'm not super crazy about the colors themselves, Sand Dune is very close to my skin color so it makes a good neutral, and So Vein, while it is a color I like, I just won't have many opportunities to wear it.  But I will wear them occasionally, and the quality is very good.  (Ok, I admit, I made Sand Dune blurry in this picture because I accidentally got a fingernail mark in it when taking it out of the package.)

The next item was a GlamRX Palette.  It has a mirror on one side and it is magnetic on the other.  Which means....
Ta-da!  The Yaby eyeshadows we got fit inside!  I kind of think it's super cool.  I can see how this would be great for traveling, especially if you get several different colors in there.  I was however, super bummed to find out (the hard way) that the Coastal Scents shadows we got from the February bag don't stick to the magnet. :( But I might try gluing a magnet on them or just taping them in.  We'll see.
We also received La Fresh Travel Lite Makeup Remover Wipes.  I'm not gonna lie, I was a little bummed to get makeup remover wipes because those are so cheap.  But, I probably wouldn't have gone out and bought any, so now I have some to use anytime I go on vacation.  I tried one of them out, and it's not super great at removing makeup, but it works.  I will use them next time I stay away from home.
The last item is Juice Beauty Organic Solutions Hydrating Spray.  I had never heard of hydrating sprays before, but I actually kind of like it.  I'm not sure if I like the smell or not, it kind of smells like roses.  I definitely don't hate it.  It's supposed to be for your face, but I can only handle spraying stuff on my face so often.  I like using it on my legs, because they get dry occasionally and sometimes I just don't want to put on lotion.  It's a fun product and I'll get good use out of it.  Hydrating sprays are probably not something I'll add to my usual purchases though.

Okay, so overall, this wasn't my favorite bag, but it wasn't bad.  Once you consider the theme of beaches and travel, it is actually kind of fun.  And since I live in Hawaii and travel a lot, I'm sure I'll get plenty of use out of these products.  I'm excited to see what April has in store!

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