Wednesday, March 20, 2013


There are so many things I am grateful for in my life right now.  I wanted to take some time and write down a few of them.

I live in Hawaii!  What an amazing experience!  It's an unbelievable blessing that the girl who decorated her room like Hawaii as a young teen now gets to live there.  Sometimes I am overcome with how incredible it is that I get to live here, between the beaches, the ocean, the fish, and the incredible views and greenery. 

Although I live in Hawaii, I get to go back to Utah quite often to see family and friends, which is wonderful.  It is great to see everyone I love, and helps me not go stir crazy being in Hawaii without any friends. 

I am so grateful I was able to find so many friends in Blake's family.  What a blessing it is to have some of your best friends be family.  Shout out to Emily, Maddy, & Katie.  I love you girls so much.

I am so proud that my dear cousin Haley is serving a mission right now.  Reading her letters makes me so happy because I know she is going to do amazing things.  I am so glad she made such a huge sacrifice, even though I miss talking to her terribly.

There are so many things that I am grateful for right now, but I'll stop there for now.  Life can be really, really hard sometimes, but thinking about the things you are grateful for can make things feel so much better.  Go ahead and try it, maybe it will brighten your day too.

1 comment:

  1. I love you! I am assuming you meant me..... Love and miss you
