Saturday, September 6, 2014

7 Weeks

This past week has been so hard.  I have been in a constant state of insane nausea, have hardly been able to eat anything, and have been unable to get out of bed for more than the occcasional bathroom trip.  I haven't thrown up yet but have felt very close many times.  I feel so useless and frustrated with myself for laying around doing nothing.  I know I should try to focus on how I'm doing the best I can to grow this little baby, but it's hard to be positive when you feel horrible all the time and your house is a mess and there are dishes piling up in the sink because you can't even get out of bed for a shower, let alone cleaning.  I am praying that the sickness lets up soon, just a little.  Please please please. 

For something happier, I had my first dream featuring our baby last night.  I can't remember much except that she was a girl.  I've heard about vivid pregnancy dreams, but this one was no different than my regular dreams and not very clear.  I woke up very happy and was doing great until I tried to eat breakfast and got super sick from it.  Oh well.

No picture again this week, for the same reasons.

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