Thursday, July 17, 2014

TBT: Our First Date

If you haven't read the post on how we met yet, go do that now.  I'll wait.

After Blake asking me to go swing dancing two or three times and me not being able to go, I finally found the opportunity one week in March.  I still didn't know if this was a date or not, but when he came to my house to pick me up and no one else was in the car I was hopeful.  The Ogden Wednesday night swing dancing was usually at Union Station, but this time it was held at Weber State.  We walked into the ballroom, and I was met with a big crowd of people and one of those bull riding machines, which seemed so random.  Neither of us participated in the bull riding that night.  So we mingled about the room and found our own little spot on the dance floor.  I remember thoughts racing through my head, one after another.

Oh my gosh, I'm taller than him.  Don't stand up too tall, you'll exaggerate it. 

He is a pretty good dancer.

I am a pretty BAD dancer.  He is probably so embarassed for me.

I probably look so stupid right now, trying to dance.

Why did I agree to go to swing dancing?  I am like the most awkward person ever.

Think short. Think short.

We spent time walking through the halls and talking when we needed a break from dancing.  Somehow, I made it through the night without seeming to make a total fool of myself, and even having a bit of fun.  Then he dropped me off at home and we said goodnight.

I was smitten.  Every time I thought of him I couldn't help but smile.  When I told my friends about the date they could tell by my face how much I liked him.  Luckily for me, he wasn't disappointed in my height or dancing skills.  Sure, it wasn't love at first sight, but it might have been love at first date. 

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