Sunday, August 17, 2014

4 Weeks

I promise there's a baby in there
I might as well start the weekly posting thing now. You can't see anything yet, but there's definitely a baby in there!  I took a pregnancy test again today just to make sure the last two weren't lying.  When I remember that I'm pregnant, I get excited and feel so happy.  I'm praying that everything goes well and we get to meet this cute little jellybean.  This is all so surreal, especially since I got negative test results every month for so long.  I'm assuming everyone feels this way until they actually start getting big or have crazy pregnancy symptoms.  I'm excitedly planning how to break the news to my family.  I think I have a great idea. :)  Blake is pretty excited, and I think he's proud of himself haha.  I'm trying not to panic about finding somewhere to live that is going to fit us and the baby.  Sometimes I think to myself 'What were you thinking getting pregnant? You're not ready!'  But then I think about how lucky I am to even be able to get pregnant and of how cute our little baby will be and I can only feel happy.  I assume that no one really thinks they're ready to have a baby.  It's like the biggest change you can make in your entire life. 

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