Monday, December 8, 2014

20 Weeks

Sorry about the white on white
Here we are at the big two-oh and I am feeling larger every day!  Before I was pregnant I wondered what it felt like for your stomach to grow.  Well, here's what it's felt like for me so far.  Usually I feel totally normal (aka nothing at all.)  Sometimes, especially towards the end of the day, it kind of feels like when you have eaten way too much and your stomach is bulging.  Occasionally there are minor cramps or small pains down in the lower abdomen.  It is also a little bit itchy (which I combat with lots of lotion.)  I'm sure these things will change (or increase) as time goes by, but if you were wondering what it feels like to grow a preggo belly, now you know.

I am now pretty certain that I've felt the babies move!  I'm still not 100% convinced it's not just stomach rumblings, because my tummy sure is angry a lot, but it's in the right area and that's gotta be what it is!  Blake was pretty excited to hear that.  I think he is jealous that he doesn't get to feel them yet. :)

This week was definitely better than last.  I feel like the nausea is slowly but surely improving.  My stomach just gets upset really easily, so I can count on feeling sick after most meals.  I'm finding I can now handle spinach mixed in with other, non-vegetable things, like on a sandwich or in a smoothie, without it making me want to die, so I'm taking advantage of that.  I'm also starting to feel more hungry than usual some days.  These babies are working up an appetite!  I think it's really funny to say 'I'm eating for three now' instead of the usual eating for two joke.  At least that was my excuse for trying three different kinds of pie on Thanksgiving.  I'm a terrible person, haha.

I didn't have as hard of a time emotionally this week.  I am feeling a little more level.  We were also able to visit the temple, and that always helps me feel peace.  It was our first time in the Ogden temple since the dedication, so that was a good experience.  I think adding some prenatal yoga into my exercise routine has helped too.  Thank you to everyone who gave me suggestions on Facebook of what videos they liked!  I won't pretend like I have been super great about exercise.  In fact for pretty much the whole first trimester I could barely get out for a mile-long walk a handful of times because I was so trashed.  But I've been working back into it since the start of the second trimester and I know that it will help me keep the aches and pains at bay for as long as possible.  I am kind of missing the feeling of a really good workout though.  These pregnancy exercises don't really get you sweating and gasping for breath haha.  I do know that it is especially important for me to not overwork myself though because of the higher than usual risk of preterm labor.

This week is a big one, because tomorrow we should be able to FINALLY know for sure what genders these little jellybeans are!  I am glad that I've had these four weeks since our last appointment to reset my expectations from the genders the doctor told us a couple of appointments ago.  I was feeling pretty lost after the last appointment when he said he wasn't sure anymore and was leaning in a different direction because I have a hard time letting go and accepting change!  But I feel like I am ready now to be happy with whatever the ultrasound shows us.  Feel free to leave your guess here or on Facebook if you feel like it.  Two boys, two girls, or one of each?

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